Our Sisterhood


"Growth in sisterhood is one of Tri Delta’s founding values and our Alpha Psi chapter heavily promotes strengthening and forming new relationships within our sisterhood. Through our sisterhood events, the women in our chapter are able to connect and grow closer to one another while also getting to experience new and fun events! Last semester, our chapter held a Build-a-Bear Valentine’s Workshop! At our bear workshop, our girls were able to customize their own stuffed animal bear to showcase their personality. As girls stuffed their bears, our dining room was filled with smiles and joyful conversation. Our chapter also put on a Bachelor finale night on our front lawn, topped off with an ice cream sundae bar! Coming together to spend time with one another and bonding over a shared common interest brought our girls so close together and created a night of laughter! The Alpha Psi chapter also supports the women in the chapter during stressful times, such as finals week. While everyone is often alone studying and preparing to do well on their final exams, it is important to take time for self-care and relaxation. During finals week, a root-beer float bar was provided for our girls to take an hour off studying to laugh and “stay a-float” amidst their hard work. Sisterhood is so important to Tri Delta and we are so excited to see theevents that will occur in the future!" - Maddie Helmling, Director of Lifetime Membership


"The first time I met Olivia Mahaz we realized INSTANTLY that we were basically the same person! Every weird thingI liked, she would confess that she was obsesses with too! My favorite memory is the two of us randomly reenacting the entire "Riff-Off" from Pitch Perfect one night on the back patio or winning the salsa dancing contest during one of our DEI events." - Ainsley Walker, MC '23


"My favorite memory was dressing up as the Kardashian family for Character Day with Kehlen, Cate, Julia, Kiera, and Camryn during spirit week. We all took it so serious. We got fake wigs and outfits, the whole deal!" - Emma Jacks, MC '22